ASN's Mission

To create a world without kidney diseases, the ASN Alliance for Kidney Health elevates care by educating and informing, driving breakthroughs and innovation, and advocating for policies that create transformative changes in kidney medicine throughout the world.

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1401 H St, NW, Ste 900, Washington, DC 20005


The Latest on X

Kidney Week

Clinical Practice Session

Emerging Therapies for AKI: Bright Horizons

October 24, 2024 | 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Location: Room 6B, Convention Center

Session Description

Novel therapeutics for AKI have been limited for various reasons, including lack of cogent and consistent definition and disease heterogeneity. Several new or repurposed agents are undergoing clinical trials for prevention and treatment of AKI. This session provides an overview of the mechanistic justification for use of these agents and the clinical trial data regarding their performance in AKI.

Learning Objective(s)

  • Describe lessons learned from past clinical trials of therapeutics in AKI
  • Explain the biologic justification and latest clinical evidence for emerging therapies for AKI
  • Summarize updates in kidney regenerative medicine for AKI

Learning Pathway(s)

  • AKI and Critical Care
  • Pharmacology

