Kidney Week 2024: Embargo Policy
Please read and adhere to the following embargo policy for ASN Kidney Week abstracts.
- This ASN embargo policy for Kidney Week abstracts (i.e., research abstracts, clinical case reports, late-breaking clinical trials), oral presentations, and posters supersedes all other embargoes.
- Accepted Kidney Week abstracts, with the exception of late-breaking clinical trials, will be posted online on October 11, 2024. Titles of accepted late-breaking clinical trials will be posted online on October 11, 2024.
- ASN will NOT accept an abstract submission if the abstract:
- has already been published by May 22, 2024,
- has been accepted for publication by May 22, 2024, or
- will have been presented at another meeting or press conference prior to October 24, 2024.
- Abstract notifications, with the exception of late-breaking clinical trials, will be emailed on August 9, 2024. Between August 9, 2024, and October 10, 2024, accepted abstracts are embargoed, except for abstract titles and authors.
- The four corners of accepted abstracts, with the exception of late-breaking clinical trials, will be posted online on October 11, 2024. From October 11, 2024, until time of presentation at the ASN meeting, any information beyond what is contained in the four corners of the abstract may not be released until time of presentation at the meeting. With permission of the authors, ASN may selectively lift the embargo prior to presentation at Kidney Week to coincide with Kidney Week press briefing schedules or other press promotions.
Late-Breaking Clinical Trials: All accepted late-breaking clinical trial oral presentations and posters are under embargo until time of presentation at the ASN meeting. Press releases are not allowed to be issued in advance of the embargo, and embargoed media pitching and interviews are prohibited for all Late-Breaking Clinical Trial abstracts. If this embargo policy is violated, ASN reserves the right to sanction the violator (authors or press). An announcement stating that the late-breaking clinical trial has been accepted, along with the title, date and time of presentation is allowed. ASN may, at its discretion, schedule media interviews with authors of select late-breaking clinical trial abstracts prior to the embargo lifting.
Simultaneous Publication
Simultaneous publication of late-breaking clinical trials is acceptable and encouraged as long as the embargo policies of ASN and the involved journals are coordinated. If a clinical trial has been submitted to and accepted for publication, the Presenting Author is responsible for ensuring that the journal editorial team respects the ASN embargo policy. Publication of a clinical trial either in print or on a journal website prior to presentation at ASN Kidney Week violates the ASN embargo policy. If you are interested in simultaneous publication, please notify the journal editorial team who should then contact ASN Press Officer Christine Feheley at to verify embargo dates/times.
SEC Fair Disclosure Requirements
In certain cases, a determination may be made that in order to fulfill the requirements of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or a corresponding regulatory organization in any country where that company's stock is traded, a publicly traded company, before the public release date, must disclose data or information from confidential abstracts. This is generally deemed necessary when it is considered probable that a reasonable investor in the company would regard such data or information as constituting a significant change to the totality of information provided to the investor.
The abstract generally remains eligible to be included in ASN Kidney Week on the condition that the company, prior to the release, submits a letter to ASN signed by the company's legal counsel. The letter must include the title of the abstract, specify the format/nature of the public disclosure, and inform the reader that the information must be publicly disclosed in order to comply with securities laws and that the information disclosed is the minimum necessary to be in compliance with these laws. ASN requirements further specify that the Presenting (First) Author be copied on the request.
Questions? Please contact ASN Press Officer Christine Feheley at