Kidney Week 2025: Photography, Audio/Video, and Social Media Policy
Photography and Audio/Video Policy
Participants are permitted to take photographs at ASN Kidney Week for non-commercial purposes. Participants are also permitted to record or livestream audio/video for noncommercial purposes at Kidney Week. If a speaker does not wish to have his/her research photographed, livestreamed, or audio/videotaped, the speaker should make an announcement before, and during, the presentation and participants must honor that request.
Social Media Policy
ASN welcomes live-tweeting and sharing of Kidney Week 2025 content (such as slides, posters, and exhibitor information, pictures) on social media as a way to share information throughout social networks. If a speaker does not wish to have his/her research shared via Twitter, Facebook, or other social networks, the speaker should make an announcement before, and during, the presentation. Speakers should be aware that most Kidney Week events are open to the news media.
ASN asks that all participants comply with speaker requests regarding photography, audio/video recording, livestreaming, and social media sharing but cannot guarantee adherence.
Please note this policy is subject to change.