Member Directory Use Policy
Permission to access and use the information contained in the Member Directory is restricted to American Society of Nephrology (ASN) members. Members may not provide their login information to anyone else, authorize others to use information obtained from the Member Directory, or assign or transfer any Member Directory information to any individual or organization.
It is the policy of ASN that all information contained in the ASN Member Directory, both in print and online, is entrusted to ASN members for their noncommercial personal use or Society business only. ASN expressly prohibits the use of this information for any other purpose, including commercial, political, or promotional (marketing and sales).
Violation of this policy may subject the ASN member to sanctions up to and including permanent revocation of ASN membership.
If you would like to opt-out of the Member Directory, you can do so by updating your profile.
Please notify ASN if you become aware of violations of this policy by sending an email to