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Abstract: TH-PO611

Canadian Society of Nephrology Commentary on the 2021 KDIGO Glomerulonephritis Guidelines and 2023 ANCA/Lupus Updates

Session Information

Category: Glomerular Diseases

  • 1402 Glomerular Diseases: Clinical, Outcomes, and Trials


  • Jauhal, Arenn Singh, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Mustafa, Reem, University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City, Kansas, United States
  • Mathew, Anna T., St Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
  • Hladunewich, Michelle A., Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Group or Team Name

  • Canadian Society of Nephrology Glomerulonephritis Working Group.

The Canadian Society of Nephrology (CSN) completes commentary on published Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Guidelines. In 2021, KDIGO published Glomerulonephritis (GN) guidelines with recent 2023 guideline updates. KDIGO guidelines includes Recommendations and practice points (PP), which are used when there is insufficient evidence for a Recommendation. In this article we describe the process and highlight findings of the CSN commentary on the KDIGO GN guidelines.


The CSN established a working group including adult and pediatric nephrologists, pharmacists, pediatricians, pathologists, and patient partners with expertise in GN across Canada. The working group aimed to review guideline’s relevance and applicability to the Canadian context when caring for patients with GN.
Recommendations from the KDIGO 2021 GN guidelines (including 2023 lupus and ANCA updates) were assessed with a standardized survey assessing whether working group members agreed or not with the Recommendation with focus on highlighting specific Canadian context that may impact the recommendation. Recommendations attaining <80% consensus or those with comments pertaining to important considerations to the Canadian context were specifically discussed. Practice points were discussed amongst working group members and relevant PP were highlighted.


This commentary highlights the impact of the KDIGO GN guideline Recommendations and PP on GN care in Canada. In general, the CSN working group agrees with most of the guideline statements by KDIGO. This commentary highlights the uptake of certain PP including lack of evidence, practice variation, and areas of controversy. Health equity and virtual medical care were important issues impacting GN care in Canada.


Canadian Society of Nephrology GN working group generally agrees with the KDIGO GN guidelines and recent lupus nephritis and ANCA updates, and highlights areas relevant to the Canadian healthcare for patients with GN.


  • Government Support – Non-U.S.