Abstract: PO0961
SmartPD™ Automated Peritoneal Dialysis System as a New Sophisticated Choice for Urgent Integration in Replacement Therapy for a Patient with ESRD
Session Information
- Home Dialysis: Disparities and Modality Choice
November 04, 2021 | Location: On-Demand, Virtual Only
Abstract Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Category: Dialysis
- 702 Dialysis: Home Dialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis
- Griveas, Ioannis, Army Share Fund Hospital of Athens, 417 NIMTS, Athens, Greece
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is used to treat approximately 11% of dialysis patients globally despite wishes for 30%, due to Covid-19 pandemic. Expanded use of PD is impacted by clinician experience and confidence with “efficient”, and “in home friendly” automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) system.
Case Description
A 60 years old lady presented from a remote island -under Covid-19 pandemic- with uremic features and started APD with SmartPDTM (Newsol technologies). SmartPDTM continuously monitors the intra-peritoneal pressure (IPP) during the Dwell. It can use this information to (a) determine optimal fill volume (b) automatically determining the optimal time to infuse or remove the dialysate from the peritoneum cavity (Fig 1a,b) and (c) records and provides UF transport characteristics (Fig 1a,b). From this composite data stream additional information can be evaluated or derive to determine the clinical health of the Peritoneal cavity.
We noticed rapidly improvement in the metabolic profile and volume status (Bioimpedance measurement) . Using the ability of SPD to independently adjust the dialysate concentration, number of exchanges and the dwell duration of each exchange we establish a best fit treatment time of typically 9-10 hours, with tidal volume 900 mils, 2% concentration over 9 cycles (40 mins a cycle). Our patient was under evaluation every month and today six months since starting APD with SmartPDTM she is in excellent condition, with no peritonitis episodes, zero incidence of overfill and minimal drain pain.
SmartPDTM enables the formulation of prescribed dialysate at the point-of-care, maximizes dialysis performance, and optimizes treatment protocol. Remote monitoring capability by SmartPDTM allows remote supervision and management, an efficient choice especially in Covid-19 times.