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Kidney Week

Abstract: SA-PO868

A New Method to Estimate the Extra-Cellular Fluid Volume with Serum Uric Acid Concentrations at Pre- and Post-Hemodialysis

Session Information

Category: Dialysis

  • 701 Dialysis: Hemodialysis and Frequent Dialysis


  • Ito, Takahito, Kataguilli Medical Center, Shibata, Japan
  • Shinzato, Takahiro, Daiko Medical Engineering Research Institute, Nagoya-shi,, Japan
  • Shibata, Kazuhiko, Yokohama Minami Clinic, Yokohama, Japan
  • Nakai, Shigeru, Fujita Health University School of Health Scieneces, Toyoake, Aichi, Japan
  • Aoki, Takeshi, Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute, Iwakura-shi, Aichi-ken, Japan

Uric acid (UA) with a molecular weight of 168 Da is synthesized mainly in the liver and intestines as the end-product of purine metabolism, and is located throughout the body. We have found that we could approximate the extra-cellular fluid volume (ECV) with the amount of UA that was removed by hemodialysis (HD).


Our calculation is based on assumptions shown in the figure. The dialyzer mass transfer-area coefficient (KoA) and the physiologically-appropriate patient clearance time (tp) for UA were obtained in advance. In order to estimate ECV after HD (ECVa), clinical parameters required other than CUA at pre- and post-HD were height, treatment time of HD, blood flow rate of HD, dialysate flow rate of HD, surface area of dialysis membranes, hematocrit at pre-HD, body weight values at pre- and post-HD, CUN at pre- and post-HD, and CNa at pre- and post-HD. The ECAa values estimated by our method were compared with those which were measured by multi-frequency bioimpedance analysis (BIA).


We named our new method UA-assisted ECV Estimation (U-EVE) and assembled it as a Microsoft EXCEL® file for practice. ECVa values by U-EVE correlated with those by BIA: R=0.456 (P=0.0100, N=31, age 62.3±11.4, BIA was done by MLT555N), R=0.578 (P=0.0190, N=16, age 65.5±9.3, by InBody S10), and R=0.616 (P<0.0001, N=49, age 59.6±11.3, by MLT50) in three independent measurements. The formulas used in our program will be explained step by step.


U-EVE is innovative yet easy to estimate ECVa of HD patients without special devices. Clinical significances of U-EVE need to be further verified.

Major assumptions about our method. (1) Removed UA molecules come only from ECS, (2) UA and Na+ do not cross cell membrane during HD, (3) Water crosses cell membrane to maintain the ratio of CNa+ of ECS to that of ICS, (4) CUA of ECS rebounds after HD simply due to redistribution of UA from hypo-perfused space of ECS (arrowhead). ECS and ICS stand for extra-cellular and intra-cellular spaces, respectively. Black dots represent UA molecules.


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