Patterned After the ABIM Blueprint
Stay engaged with clinical discussions, relevant physiology and pathophysiology information, essential updates and preparation. Patterned after the ABIM blueprint, topics will include:
- Assessment of Kidney Function and Structure
- Sodium and Water Abnormalities
- Glomerular and Vascular Disorders
- Acid-Base and Potassium Disorders
- Tubular, Interstitial, and Cystic Disorders
- CKD and ESKD
- Hypertension
- AKI and ICU Nephrology
- Pharmacology
- Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium Disorders and Stones
- Bone and Mineral Metabolism
- Kidney Transplantation
Corporate Supporter
Support is provided by educational grants from Akebia Therapeutics, Inc., AstraZeneca, and Vifor Pharma, Inc.