ASN's Mission

To create a world without kidney diseases, the ASN Alliance for Kidney Health elevates care by educating and informing, driving breakthroughs and innovation, and advocating for policies that create transformative changes in kidney medicine throughout the world.

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Darrell Hirt, MD

October 3, 2015

It is with great sadness that I report the death of our dear friend and colleague Dr. Darrell Hirt and his wife Cathy. They were involved in a fatal motor vehicle collision while visiting family in Budapest Hungary on Friday October 2nd, 2015.

Dr. Hirt completed his Nephrology training at UTSW and had been serving as faculty in the Nephrology Division at Vanderbilt University. Darrell has been a pillar of the community and this practice for 25 years, he was an excellent physician with an extremely loyal patient base. He will be remembered for his cheerful personality, intelligence, but most importantly his kind soul.

Dr. Hirt lived life to the fullest; he enjoyed traveling, art, and the opera. However, all of this pales in comparison to the love he had for his beautiful family. At the time of his death he was with his wife Cathy traveling and experiencing life. He is survived by his 3 children Karl Joseph Hirt, Alex Hirt and Tina Hirt.

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