Prabir Roy-Chaudhury, MD, PhD, FASN, President

Prabir Roy-Chaudhury MD, PhD, FRCP (Edin) is a Professor of Medicine and Co-Director of the University of North Carolina (UNC) Kidney Center. After graduating from the Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, India, he trained in Internal Medicine and Nephrology at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland and at the Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. In addition to being an active transplant nephrologist, Dr. Roy-Chaudhury?s main research interest is in uremic vascular biology (including both dialysis vascular access dysfunction and cardiovascular complications in kidney disease patients). He currently leads a translational research program in this area funded through the National Institutes of Health, the Veterans Administration research program, and through industry grants. Dr. Roy-Chaudhury has been the recipient of extensive NIH research grant funding, has received national and international awards, has published over 175 papers, and is a sought after invited speaker, both nationally and internationally.
Dr. Roy-Chaudhury has been actively involved in the public policy and administrative aspects of dialysis vascular access care and hemodialysis as a previous or current board member/councilor/committee chair for the American Society of Diagnostic and Interventional Nephrology, the Renal Network, the Interventional Nephrology Advisory Group of the American Society of Nephrology (ASN), the ASN Post Graduation Education Committee and the International Society of Nephrology-India and South Asia Committees, as well as being the previous President of the American Nephrologists of Indian Origin (ANIO).
Dr. Roy-Chaudhury was also the founding American Society of Nephrology co-chair of the Kidney Health Initiative, which is a public-private partnership between the ASN and the FDA, which aims to bring together nephrologists, industry partners, patient advocacy groups and regulatory agencies; in an attempt to facilitate the passage of drugs, devices and biologics into the kidney disease space.
Current Position/Titles:
ASN Service:
ASN Councilor at Large, 2019-2022; ASN Council Liaison, Kidney X Innovation Accelerator Steering Committee; Chair, ASN initiative on Transforming Dialysis Access Together (TDAT); ASN Co-Chair, Kidney Health Initiative (KHI) 2012-2018; Member or Chair multiple KHI Committees, 2012-2018; ASN Council lead at ASN Highlights, Mumbai x 3; Abstract Selection Committee Member or Chair for Vascular Access x 4 years and Bioengineering x 2 years; Program Committee 2012; PGE Committee, 2012-2018; Board of Advisors and Capitol Hill team 2013-2016; Interventional Nephrology Advisory Group, 2009-2015; X Prize Advisory Panel, 2014; ASN-Industry Innovation Panel, 2015; Co-Chair, Early Program on “Curing Kidney Disease”, 2015; ASN Innovation and Discovery Task Force, 2017-2018; ASN-RPA Leadership Panel, 2018.
Leadership positions:
Glaxo-Chem Prize, University of Aberdeen 1986; 7th John Cunio Memorial Lecture, University of Miami, 2006; Gerald Beathard State of the Art Address, ASDIN, 2011; Gerald Beathard Award, ASDIN, 2012; Health Care Heroes Finalist (Innovator; Cincinnati Business Courier), 2014; KS Chugh Oration, Indian Society of Nephrology 2015, Henry Lecture, Vascular Access Society of the Americas, 2018; Plenary Session talks at the Vascular Access Society (2015), Australia New Zealand Society of Nephrology (2015) and American Society of Artificial and Internal Organs (2018); Faculty election to Alpha Omega Alpha, University of Cincinnati, 2014; National Evidence Generation Committee (Chair Robert Califf, FDA Commissioner), 2016; International Professor, NTR University, Hyderabad, India; International Professor, Apollo Hospitals; 1 US Patent, 3 Provisional Patents; 7 Invention Disclosures.
Board Certification:
MRCP (UK) 1988; ABIM Internal Medicine Board Certified 1998; ABIM Nephrology Board Certified 1999.
Research Interests:
The main focus of our research is to try and answer the question: “What happens to the heart and blood vessels of a zebra fish, mouse, pig or human when their kidneys fail?”. We believe that this will allow us to develop better technologies (biomarkers and treatments) for both dialysis vascular access dysfunction and cardiovascular disease in CKD/ESKD. I have also been actively involved in creating an innovation substrate that will get new therapies into CKD and ESKD patients. We have been continuously funded through the NIH, VA or industry contracts for this research over the last 15+ years.
Personal Statement:
It is a privilege to be nominated for ASN Council. I am proud to have trained and worked in three countries (India, UK, and US) on three continents, which together with my clinical and research interests has made me more holistic and inclusive, in medicine and in life. This experience has also left me humbled, excited, and committed to address the challenges and opportunities (unprecedented biological, technological and digital innovation) that we face as nephrologists, and even more so, those that are faced by our patients. I believe in ASN and would be honored to contribute and further its mission.