Abstract: INFO25
George M. O'Brien Kidney Center at Yale
Session Information
- Informational Posters
November 04, 2021 | Location: On-Demand, Virtual Only
Abstract Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Category: Genetic Diseases of the Kidneys
- No subcategory defined
- Aronson, Peter S., Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, United States
The goal of the Yale O'Brien Center is to facilitate research to advance the prevention and treatment of kidney diseases. The Center provides investigators with specialized core services to support their research:
1. Animal Physiology and Phenotyping Core. Director: Patricia Preisig.
The Core provides specialized services and training for assessing renal function and blood pressure in small animals. Its services include clearance studies and GFR measurements in anesthetized animals, perfusion fixation for histology studies, serum and urine electrolyte and creatinine assays, blood gas acid-base parameters, balance studies in metabolic cages, circadian rhythm studies in light-tight caging, acute blood pressure measurements in anesthetized mice, and chronic awake blood pressure measurements by radiotelemetry.
2. Disease Models and Mechanisms Core. Co-Directors: Stefan Somlo, Lloyd Cantley.
The Core provides users with ready access to unique mouse models, associated cell line resources, and advanced human translational technologies. Its services include bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) recombineering and transgenesis, support for CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing for mouse and cell line production, support for kidney cell line production using RosaDTRfl/fl (Terminator) mice, performance of kidney ischemia/reperfusion surgery, and support for development of Imaging Mass Cytometry for spatially-preserved analysis of human kidney biopsy samples.
3. Human Genetics and Clinical Research Core. Co-Directors: F. Perry Wilson, Shrikant Mane, Stefan Somlo, Chirag Parikh.
The Core provides services and training to enhance translational studies in kidney disease. Its services include patient DNA extraction and archiving, high throughput SNP genotyping, whole exome and whole genome sequencing using both short-read and long-read technologies, transcriptome analysis, single cell genomics, and bioinformatics support. Its clinical research services include protocol development, patient recruitment, sample processing, bio- and data-banking, access to archived samples from NIH studies, multiplex assays for biomarkers, extraction and analysis of electronic health record data, machine learning and biostatistical support.
The Enrichment Program sponsors seminars and an annual symposium. Pilot grants are periodically available. Please access the Center website for additional information: http://obriencenter.yale.edu
- NIDDK P30DK079310