Eleanor D. Lederer, MD, FASN

Eleanor D. Lederer, MD, FASN, is a graduate of Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine, and completed her residency training and a nephrology fellowship at Baylor. She is the John S. Fordtran Professor of Medicine in Calcium Research at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Charles and Jane Pak Center for Mineral Metabolism and Clinical Research, Co-director of Dallas VA NODES Program and Assistant Chief of Medical Services at the VA North Texas Health Care System in Dallas Texas. Dr. Lederer is board certified in internal medicine and nephrology, and is a UNOS-certified transplant physician.
Dr. Lederer is an active physician-scientist whose research centers on divalent metabolism, and she oversees a basic science research laboratory to study regulation of the kidney phosphate transport and a clinical research program in the modeling of chronic kidney disease-mineral bone disorder funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs Merit Review Board. She has won numerous teaching, mentorship and research awards and received recognition as one of the Best Doctors in America.
Dr. Lederer believes the medical landscape, the role of medical schools, and the focus of research efforts are undergoing dramatic change, and that organizations such as ASN must ensure the kidney community is quickly apprised of changes that will affect our practice in all settings and receive informed analysis of the impact of these changes. She has served ASN in numerous roles, including membership on the Communications Committee, Program Committee, Nominations Committee, Abstract Selection Committee member, Training Program Directors Executive Committee, Women in Nephrology Professional Development Seminar Organizing Committee, In-Training Examination Writing Committee, ASN Council, Ethics and Professional Standards Committee, and Editor-at-Large for the Clinical Journal of the ASN. She is a section editor for Clinical Nephrology, Current Opinions in Nephrology and Hypertension, AJP Renal, American Journal of Medical Sciences, and eMedicine Nephrology.