John T. Daugirdas, MD, FASN, BRCU Faculty,

John T. Daugirdas, MD, FASN, FACP is a nephrologist who for several years has been interested in how best to treat patients who have chronic kidney disease with various forms of dialysis therapy. Dr. Daugirdas is currently Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His research activities include participation in two NIH/NIDDK sponsored studies, the HEMO Trial and the Frequent Hemodialysis Network Trials.
Currently, Dr. Daugirdas is studying what levels of dialysis to provide using various schedules, as well as factors affecting blood volume and pressure during hemodialysis. He also has a special interest in nutrition as it applies to chronic kidney disease and phosphorus balance.
Dr. Daugirdas has a particular interest in medical education and is Co-Editor of the Handbook of Dialysis as well as Editor of the Handbook of Chronic Kidney Disease Management.